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7 best actress nominations, 3 wins.

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"Snyder knocks it out of the park."

    -Sean Parker, Critic Horror Obsessive

“I had Stacy Snyder in mind for the part from the get-go because she’s so damn likeable on screen. We had worked together earlier that year and I knew she was terrific.”


    -Kevin Sluder, Director Heartless 

“Starring the unfathomably good Stacy Snyder... She shines on the screen.”
 -Mark Taylor, Dead Celluloid


​“She understood the tone of the piece and character, better than I did, actually… She brought to it a lot of reaction that a lot of actresses just weren’t getting in the audition.  She was the only person who hit every single action back to back, which was perfect.”

                                                                                 -Matt Mercer, Director Feeding Time 


"Taking on the role to be all parts hilarious and being the right kind of frightened is no easy feat, but Stacy Snyder takes it in her stride in the retro-flavoured horror short, Feeding Time."

                                                                                                                  -Darraugh Murphy, Shorts! UK


"...Snyder provides Shelby with many levels of anxiety, awkwardness, and perhaps something a little more sinister. And the fact that we see all of these varied moods in a short 1-minute opening – not only establishes that Shelby is our central focus, but also that as an actor, Snyder gets it."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -Michael Klug, Horror Freak News

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75 festivals.

3 countries.

47 nominations.

20 wins.


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